18 May 2011

Today for our meeting, we had a talk about many things including Problems at the Bus Bay, If we can have another Fire Drill, and a few reminders. For this and more happening in the meeting, please
read below...


Bus Bay:

Seniors - not juniors - are being silly at the Bus Bay.
Seniors, please don't be silly, juniors are watching, and just act like how the Bus Bay was before (under the shelter if you don't understand), and people who are doing the right thing, try and not join them, stay out of it!!!

Ball Tiggie: 

The Council have heard a few problems with Ball Tiggie, mainly Branding people irresponsibly, but the School Council is giving another chance to players and Ball tiggie is not band,

For more problems and questions, click Read More

Kicking People Out of General Games:

Mainly in all games at school, people are not allowing people to play games what their friends are playing, at the moment, the School Council hasn't really done much about this, but will do something in the future, but at the moment, if you're one of those people leaving others behind, maybe give them a good reason why they can't play.


This problem has come up again, and has come up millions of times, so now, we have made a decision for the consequence: If the teacher catches someone swearing (or anyone catches someone swearing -  tell the duty teacher), there will be a horrible consequence, we are not telling the consequence, because the swearers will get to know how bad it is for once at least.

Playing with DEAD BONES:

This is the first time this has come up in School Council,  and this is a very gross subject and/or problem...
Juniors have been playing with dead bones. That, is very disgusting. It could make them very sick or who knows!? So Juniors, please don't touch the bones, you never know where they have come from!

Mud Slides:

This used to be very mucky last winter, and it's mucky again this year, and the main mud slide is between Room 9 and Room 10 (AKA: Spare Room), and is now getting too mucky now, so the School Council has announced that in between Room 9 and Room 10 (AKA: Spare Room) is OUT OF BOUNDS.


Fire Drill:

Q: Can we have another/more Fire Drills?
A: We only do one once a Term and was thought that we did a drill at the beginning of the Year.
Q/Statement: I don't think we have done one this year.
A: Okay, we'll have another soon.

Inviting People:

Q: Are we allowed to invite people to classes when it's raining?
A: No, we have discussed this before


Q: On Friday, since we're allowed to bring Skateboards and Scooters, can we brings bikes?
A: No, but we may have a bike day later in the year, but at the moment we are not planning it.

And that was this week's meeting.
Tune in not next week, but the week after (1 June)  for the next meeting update.

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