14 September


Flying Fox Report

We have had questions about having a flying fox at school council.
We now have a quick report from the Technology Group:

10 August 2011

This is what we had at our meeting this week...

Dead Birds:

Seniors have been picking up dead birds in good ways, and bad ways.
The bad ways have been picking them up, and scaring others by throwing them etc.
But the good ways have been people picking them up, and hiding them away for them not to be seen by others.
If you have been doing this, and you are willing to keep doing this, please do it! Although we recommend throwing over the fence would be best.
And after you've picked up a dead bird, please go to the toilets, and wash your hands. If you find no soap, find a teacher ASAP.

Junior Master Chief cook off / bake off:

School Council is proud to announce that we are going to have a Junior Master Chief Cook / Bake off
If you want more info about this, click on the 'Junior Master Chief Cook off' tab.


People have been kicking balls under the shelter by Rooms 6 and 7.
And a few balls have been hitting windows pretty hard.
Please don't kick balls around this area, there is other places like the courts, and the field.


We have found people enjoying and playing Beyblades.
People have been wondering if you are allowed to bring them, here's the answer:
Like all toys, you're allowed to bring them, but at your own risk.
Don't bother telling a teacher you've lost something, or broke something.


We've seen people enjoying playing games, but games like Ball tiggie, Torture, etc.
These games have the risk of being hurt, so you can play at your own risk.
If you're not expecting to be hurt in Ball Tiggie or Torture, think about it first; BALL tiggie.
It's tiggie, with a ball! What do you expect? You get tug with a ball!
With Torture, think about the word, Torture, it involves whips, from vines, and this does hurt (according to Josh), so only play at your own risk if you want to be tortured.

18 May 2011

Today for our meeting, we had a talk about many things including Problems at the Bus Bay, If we can have another Fire Drill, and a few reminders. For this and more happening in the meeting, please
read below...


Bus Bay:

Seniors - not juniors - are being silly at the Bus Bay.
Seniors, please don't be silly, juniors are watching, and just act like how the Bus Bay was before (under the shelter if you don't understand), and people who are doing the right thing, try and not join them, stay out of it!!!

Ball Tiggie: 

The Council have heard a few problems with Ball Tiggie, mainly Branding people irresponsibly, but the School Council is giving another chance to players and Ball tiggie is not band,

For more problems and questions, click Read More

4 May 2011

Today, we have been talking about many things, including the painting the Pole Hut, creating a Flying Fox, and even creating this blog for more please read below.

The Pole Hut:

We have never talked about this but now, Carrell, one of our Councilors, decided for this to happen.
Carrell thought it was time to say this, as the Pole Hut has many tagging inside, and a few people commented that the wood was looking old, and boring, we will hopefully give you more infomation of this next week.

Flying Fox:

We discussed this last term, we just wanted to be sure we may be doing it, by asking the Principal, Mrs Allen.
We have a technology group in our school, and the person who works that out, is Mr Hoskin. We have confirmed Mrs Allen has talked about having a Flying Fox to Mr Hoskin, and he is hoping to get this sorted out later in the year, or next year.

Creating this blog:

The person who wrote this, and thought of this was Josh, now he was thinking that there is a School Blog, so he thought of a School Council Blog, with things that include: Updates on meetings and School Counciler of the Week. This has been sorted out so now, you can see what we're up to and so the BOT can see this to so we can communicate to them with what we think needs doing in and around the school.

Those were the main things that came in School Council on the 4th of May 2011, please tune in next week for more ideas and other conversations during the meeting.